We customize strategies and solutions for you. Let Carpenter Family Law help you get there. 

What Makes Divorce Over 50 Different?

Getting divorced at any age is never easy, however, separating at an older age can make things a bit more complicated. Kendra Carpenter, founder of Carpenter Family Law LLC, is here to help. She takes a personalized, solutions-oriented approach to the most complex cases. As an award-winning attorney, she has built a reputation for being professional yet compassionate. With over two decades of experience in the legal field, she knows how to advocate for her clients.

Areas In Which A Skilled Lawyer Can Help

Couples who are over the age of 50 face a unique set of challenges. For example, even though you and your ex-spouse are divorced, you may still owe them some of the Social Security benefits you start collecting at age 62. This can happen if your marriage lasted for over a decade or if your ex-spouse hasn’t gotten remarried, but this doesn’t happen in every situation. Understandably, issues like this can be hard to understand and navigate on your own. Mrs. Carpenter has experience in this and other areas of the law, including:

  • High asset division
  • Dividing multiple properties
  • Dividing investment and retirement accounts
  • Alimony and spousal support

One big difference older couples face revolves around finances. If a couple divorces after they have already retired, alimony will be determined based on their retirement income, not what their income was before they retired. Mrs. Carpenter is a certified member and founding board member of the American Academy of Certified Financial Litigators. Furthermore, when she initially graduated law school, she handled business litigation matters for a national law firm. This knowledge is tremendously useful when navigating money-related concerns.

Don’t Wait; Call Today To Discuss Your Options

Mrs. Carpenter takes pride in helping members of this community. In giving you the one-on-one attention you deserve, she can find a solution that leave you feeling secure about the future. To schedule a free telephone consultation, call her office in Columbus at 614-963-9324 today. You can also fill out her contact form online.

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